Provide BDMG credit to the municipalities of Minas Gerais in order to:
City hall of municipalities of all sizes and regions from Minas Gerais.
BDMG offers several financing lines for the municipalities of Minas Gerais to invest in infrastructure works, sustainable development, prevention of natural disasters, construction and improvement of roads, acquisition of equipment and vehicles, among others.
Get to know our credit lines:
The Municipalities 2023 Bidding Notice brings new features that facilitate access to credit by municipalities: anticipation of part of the contracted value, increase in the credit limit, and differentiated terms. The new notice offers financing lines to support investments in sustainability and infrastructure projects, in addition to enabling the acquisition of machinery and equipment. It is agile credit, with competitive rates and terms.
Find information and documents required for each public notice.
We know that more speed and less bureaucracy are important differentials in the day-to-day relationships with a bank. On that, we built a new way of relationship with the municipalities, fully digital and practical.
It’s very simple! When registering on the BDMG Digital platform, the municipality will have:
It is very easy to request the registration of your municipality in BDMG Digital and have access to all functionalities.
Register the mayor and municipal manager now and simplify your processes.
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The Program aims to achieve universal sanitation in the municipalities* within the Paraopeba Basin affected by the Córrego do Feijão dam failure.
The Program will be implemented through two main pillars:
* Abaeté, Betim, Biquinhas, Brumadinho, Caetanópolis, Curvelo, Esmeraldas, Felixlândia, Florestal, Fortuna de Minas, Igarapé, Juatuba, Maravilhas, Mário Campos, Mateus Leme, Morada de Minas, Paineiras, Papagaios, Pará de Minas, Paraopeba, Pequi, Pompéu, São Gonçalo do Abaeté, São Joaquim de Bicas, São José de Varginha, Três Marias.
The initiative is carried out with funds from the Brumadinho Reparations Agreement, signed by the Government of Minas Gerais, the Minas Gerais State Prosecutor’s Office (MPMG), the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), and the Public Defender’s Office of Minas Gerais (DPMG). The dam failure claimed the lives of 272 people and caused extensive social and environmental damage.
The funding lines for the public segment provide conditions to support the municipal administration in making investments necessary to the city's infrastructure, without compromising the financial health of the municipality.
The Renova foundation, BDMG and BANDES have come together to support the municipalities most affected by the Fundão dam rupture.
On November 5, 2015, the tailings dam of a mining called “Fundão ” was ruptured in the Bento Rodrigues Subdistrict, 35 km from the downtown of the municipality of Mariana, Minas Gerais. The rupture of the Fundão dam is considered the industrial disaster that caused the biggest environmental impact in Brazilian history, and the biggest in the world involving tailings dams, with a total dumped volume of 62 million cubic meters. The slurry reached the Rio Doce, which watershed covers 230 municipalities in the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, many of which supply their population with water from this river.
In order to perform the programs of repair, restoration and socioeconomic and socio-environmental recovery in the areas impacted by the Fundão dam rupture, the Renova Foundation was created. Since 2017, BDMG has worked as a funding agent in socioeconomic programs related to the economic promotion of the Rio Doce region – Desenvolve Rio Doce, Compete Rio Doce, Diversifica Mariana and the Socio-Environmental Program for sewage collection and treatment and disposal of solid waste (PG31) in the 35 municipalities of the mining area of Renova’s operations.
The Sewage Collection and Solid Waste Disposal Treatment program provides financial funding to municipalities for the preparation of basic sanitation plans, sewage system projects, implementation of sewage collection and treatment works, eradication of open dumps and implementation of regional landfills. Investments of around R$ 390 million are planned in 35 municipalities in Minas Gerais, out of the total of R$ 500 million that include the municipalities of Espírito Santo.
If you are not already a client, register now into Digital BDMG and access facilities.
It is fast and safe.
How would you prefer to contact us?
For those who are not yet clients and want to learn more about the bank, our products and also about the progress of a request for funding.
For you who already are our client and have contracted a credit line.
Lourdes - Belo Horizonte / MG
Zip Code 30160-907
Mapa mostrando a localização do BDMG na Rua da Bahia, 1600, Centro, Belo Horizonte, MG.
Find necessary documents, such as License Plate Models, Fee and Reimbursement Tables, and others.