BDMG 2ª via de boleto
Copy bank payment slip
Click here to issue it
(in Portuguese only)

Issue a copy bank payment slip quickly and with no hassle. That's how we do it at BDMG!

BDMG Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Access your Internet banking
(in Portuguese only)

Our customer may consult us about information regarding your contract and even request renegotiation or new financing.

BDMG Meu Financiamento
Financing Menu
Access your financing
(in Portuguese only)

For those who ran a simulation and wish to follow up on the progress of their proposal in a quick and safe way.

BDMG Correspondentes Bancários
Bank Correspondents and Partners
Access your partners area
(in Portuguese only)

If you're a partner, you can access all functionalities available here, with no hassle.

Year Type Name Download
Year Language Name Download

BDMG adopts a rigorous risk management policy, with a high standard of control, and calculation and monitoring models. The mission of this area in BDMG is to manage credit, market, liquidity, operational and socio-environmental risks, with a view to mitigating these risks and optimizing operational efficiency and results. Thus, the Bank adopts risk management practices matching the nature and specificities of its operations, maintaining control standards, with a capital adequacy index higher than the minimum requirement adopted in Brazil.

Risk Management is closely aligned with BDMG's strategic guidelines and is committed to the Bank's ethical standards of conduct and reliability. Risk Management aims at bringing together internal methodologies and models from the Basel Accords and complying with recommendations from regulatory bodies in line with the best market practices.

Risk Management and Control Structure


Name Download

Regulatory Capital

Year Download

In the past 12 months, the Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG) had no classified or declassified information at the reserved, secret and ultrasecret secrecy levels defined in Art. 24 of Law 12,527/2011 (Information Access Law).

Global Budget

Year Month Name Download

Investment Budget

The Budget and Investment Statement meets the requirements of the Law of Budgetary Guidelines of the State of Minas Gerais (Law 18,313 - LDO 2010), which determines that state-controlled companies must publish a quarterly report of the investments made, with the details of the investments and the funding source, on their official web pages.

Year Trimester Name Download

The BDMG Sponsorship Policy is available at this webpage. It lays down the principles, parameters, and criteria for the Bank to grant sponsorships.

There are also forms available that must be filled in by the tenderers.

The reports of sponsored projects will be published here, from time to time.

Sponsorship Policy Documents

Name Download


Name Download

Reports - Incentive Laws

Name Download

Procurement Report

Year Month Name Download

Advertisement Expenses

Year Month Name Download

Statement of Expenses with Personnel

Year Month Name Download


Ano Mes Nome Download

For further information, send an email to or call +55 (31) 3219-8203.

Name Month Year Download

Download the fee and refund table:

Download the table
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