BDMG is an agent of sustainable development in Minas Gerais.
The Bank is connected with the world, with a sustainable vision.
In the countryside, industries, small, medium and large businesses or municipalities. Where there is development, innovation and sustainability, the Minas Gerais Development Bank is present. BDMG supports the public and private sectors, offering credit to companies of all sizes and sectors, city halls and municipal public service concessionaires. In addition, the Bank is the official structurer in common concession operations and in models of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
In line with the best management and governance practices, the Bank's operations are based on: Impact, Competitiveness, Partnership and Results Culture. Its strategy is aligned to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by Brazil and other UN member countries. In this regard, BDMG works continuously to expand its operations in an innovative way, aiming at improving life quality in Minas Gerais.
BDMG. New ideas for development.
Our purpose is to transform initiatives into reality to make a difference in the development of Minas Gerais.
To be recognized by Minas Gerais companies and municipalities less served by the traditional market as a reference in credit for investments with economic, social, and environmental impact in Minas Gerais.
Beyond the economic sphere, BDMG supports and encourages culture, citizenship and social, environmental and climate responsibility in Minas Gerais in various ways:
The social, environmental, and climate responsibility of BDMG reflects an integrated commitment across all its operations and relationships. This commitment is materialized through the Environmental and Social Management System (SGAS), which ensures the adoption of sustainable practices and the consistent application of guidelines in all the Bank's activities. The SGAS comprises various instruments that guarantee efficient management, promoting sustainable socioeconomic development in Minas Gerais.
The Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy, approved by the Executive Board of BDMG on August 17, 2022 and by its Board of Directors on August 30, 2022, is a management tool that considers, in an integrated manner, the economic, social and environmental dimensions in operational activities, and also in BDMG's relationship with its clients, employees, shareholders and the community. The policy contemplates, among other aspects, guidelines for:
- Prioritize the attendance of enterprises with positive social, environmental, and climate externalities;
- Identify, evaluate and manage social, environmental and climate risk.
- Guiding social, environmental and climate actions in the Bank's business and in the relationship stakeholders.
- Promoting strategic actions related to its governance.
- Adopting internal actions for promoting sustainable development.
Aligned with the criteria determined by the entities responsible for environmental control, the approval of financial support to the projects involving activities which as effectively or potentially polluting, which employ environmental resources, is subject to the presentation of documentation which proves their compliance with environmental licensing regulations.
Environmental and Social Management System (SGAS)(Portuguese only) Access the Policy (PRSAC).
(Portuguese only) Social, Environmental and Climate Policy Annexes
(Portuguese only) Access the Annual Reports
BDMG Social Responsibility
At BDMG, social responsibility is a continuous commitment to the development of Minas Gerais. We value initiatives that promote positive impact in communities and strengthen the social fabric. Through incentive laws, BDMG supports projects aimed at various groups, such as children and adolescents, the elderly, and practitioners of different sports.
We are proud to announce the launch of the new BDMG Social Entrepreneurship Award, in partnership with the BDMG Employee Citizenship Institute. This initiative aims to recognize and encourage innovative projects that transform lives and promote social inclusion.
Click here to learn about the BDMG Social Entrepreneurship Award project and be part of this transformation!
INDEC’s Social Commitment
INDEC, the BDMG Employee Citizenship Institute, is a non-profit civil entity known for its commitment to social causes, promoting initiatives that generate positive impact in communities across Minas Gerais.
The Institute’s main objectives are:
- Encourage collective organization and foster solidarity.
- Promote community participation in the management of projects of interest to the assisted population.
- Develop and support social responsibility projects in underserved and at-risk areas, focusing on sectors such as education, health, nutrition, and the environment.

Internal social responsibility

BDMG seeks to offer working conditions which promote the valuation and integration of people, in addition to providing a synergic and result-oriented environment. BDMG employees enjoy the following benefits:
- Supplementary Pension Fund and Private Health Care Plan, administered by the BDMG Foundation of Social Security - DESBAN.
- Program for compliance with all official standards related to occupational health and safety, and Life Quality Program.
- Collective Labor Agreement, with employee representation.
- Program for the promotion of equity in the work environment.
Information is one of the main assets of any organization. For this reason, and in line with the current legislation, BDMG established the Information Security and Cybernetics Policy.
- I. All information under BDMG's responsibility is owned by the Institution, will be used exclusively in its interest and will be adequately protected due to its level of confidentiality, pursuant to the regulations and legislation inherent to the banking activity.
- II. Necessary controls and mechanisms will be implemented to ensure the security and protection of data and information throughout its life cycle (creation, storage, handling, transport and disposal), regardless of its format or storage medium.
- III. Each employee, intern and service provider is responsible for protecting the information, computer resources and information systems used thereby.
- IV. Customer data will be treated with due confidentiality and under no circumstances will it be provided to third parties, except in cases provided for in the current regulations and legislation or under customer's consent.
- V. The employee, intern and service provider will only have access to the information, computer resources or information systems that are essential for the exercise of their work activities. This access will be made by means of a unique, personal and non-transferable identification that will enable the traceability of the actions performed.
The Brazilian General Data Protection Law represents a new culture of privacy and data protection. Respecting the individuals, BDMG has its Privacy and Protection of Personal Data Policy that aims to inform how personal data are treated and protected, ensuring transparency.
Person in charge of processing personal data: Adriana Miyoshi
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