BDMG 2ª via de boleto
Copy bank payment slip
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Issue a copy bank payment slip quickly and with no hassle. That's how we do it at BDMG!

BDMG Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Access your Internet banking
(in Portuguese only)

Our customer may consult us about information regarding your contract and even request renegotiation or new financing.

BDMG Meu Financiamento
Financing Menu
Access your financing
(in Portuguese only)

For those who ran a simulation and wish to follow up on the progress of their proposal in a quick and safe way.

BDMG Correspondentes Bancários
Bank Correspondents and Partners
Access your partners area
(in Portuguese only)

If you're a partner, you can access all functionalities available here, with no hassle.

BDMG credit is conscious because it functions as a strategic investment.

It always aims at making your business grow; therefore, it can be used to fund that dream project or overcome a momentary cash problem.

BDMG Reorganizar dívidas

Reorganize debts

Generally, using your overdraft reserve is much more expensive than making a traditional loan. Therefore, requesting a line of credit to repay this type of debt can be a good strategy, as it will be faster to pay the interest and installments of the financing with the bank.

BDMG Equilibrar o fluxo de caixa

Balance cash flow

For forward sales, a company needs a larger working capital to keep its accounts up to date while future installments from customers are not paid. A starting credit line can help in this process.

BDMG Gastos Inesperados

Unforeseen Expenses

Applying for credit is also an alternative to keep from having problems with unforeseen expenses, such as penalties, specific charges (such as Christmas bonus) or severance payments. A loan with the bank keeps you from having trouble with those.

BDMG Abrir uma nova unidade

Opening a new facility

An important step for many entrepreneurs is to plan a new facility or expand through franchises, building a new warehouse, or even setting up a small manufacturing unit for your products. You can make these a reality using Conscious Credit.

BDMG Comprar equipamento e insumos

Purchase of equipment and supplies

Use the credit to buy the machinery and equipment you need to increase your company's productivity. Also, you can help your company keep your supply levels up-to-date and ready on demand, or even increase purchases to meet a growing demand.



Sometimes, a renovation can transform the environment and processes of your business, and, in the end, increase revenues. Everyone needs the right space to produce. It may be worth getting a loan for renovating and leveraging your business.

Many entrepreneurs look for credit only in extreme situations, but consider credit can also be a tool for growth.

BDMG fulfills its mission of supporting business and the Minas Gerais economy via a combination of top-notch credit lines and professional consulting to help you choose the right financing line in your search for conscious credit, capable of producing amazing growth results for your company!

BDMG conteudo
BDMG geraminas

BDMG Solidário Coronavírus

What it is:

BDMG Solidário was initially aimed only at micro and small companies based in municipalities in a state of emergency, mainly due to rains. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the conditions of this credit line were extended to SMEs in all municipalities in Minas Gerais.

Special Advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Affordable deadlines
  • Online hiring
Who it is for

Micro and small companies, in general, with annual sales of R $ 4.8 million or less

Special advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Affordable deadlines
  • Online hiring
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas


What it is:

Special Advantages:
Who it is for

Fungetur Giro is a line of credit operated by BDMG and provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism focused on companies with yearly income equal to, or less than BRL 4.8 million, and that perform activities directly or indirectly connected to the tourism in Minas Gerais

Special advantages:
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

12 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Empreendedoras de Minas

What it is:

Credit line for BDMG working capital aimed at supporting micro and small businesses controlled by women** and helping new enterprising women open their businesses.

Special Advantages:
  • Lower rates
  • Extended terms
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Who it is for

For companies controlled by women that develop their products and services based on knowledge and creativity and change their intellectual capital into results for society.

Special advantages:
  • Lower rates
  • Extended terms
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Desenvolve Rio Doce

What it is:

Incentive Fund for Local Economy – it is the result of a partnership between Renova Foundation, BDMG and BANDES to boost the economic activity of those towns and cities** most affected by the failure of Fundão Dam. 

Special Advantages:
  • Even lower rates;
  • Extended grace period;
  • Online Contracting
Who it is for

Companies whose head offices are located in: Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Sem-Peixe, Rio Casca, São Pedro dos Ferros, São Domingos do Prata, São José do Goiabal, Raul Soares, Dionísio, Córrego Novo, Pingo d’Água, Marliéria, Bom Jesus do Galho, Timóteo, Caratinga, Ipatinga, Santana do Paraíso, Ipaba, Belo Oriente, Bugre, Iapu, Naque, Periquito, Sobrália, Fernandes Tourinho, Alpercata, Governador Valadares, Tumiritinga, Galileia, Conselheiro Pena, Resplendor, Itueta and Aimorés. 

Special advantages:
  • Even lower rates;
  • Extended grace period;
  • Online Contracting

Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Giro Mais Saúde

What it is:

A line of credit for healthcare companies that need money to purchase raw material, expand the stock, hire temporary personnel, among other investments.

Special Advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Affordable deadlines
  • Online contracting
Who it is for

Healthcare micro- and small-sized companies with a yearly income between BRL 4.8 million and BRL 30 million

Special advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Affordable deadlines
  • Online contracting
Rates from

Selic + 5,99%
per year*

Run a Simulation
Up to

60 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas


What it is:

Working capital to help your company face challenges or seize opportunities through the conscious use of credit.

Special Advantages:
  • Very competitive rates
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Who it is for

For all companies in Minas Gerais with annual revenues of up to R$ 4,8 million/year.

Special advantages:
  • Very competitive rates
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

3 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Geraminas Social

What it is:

A working capital credit line aimed at strengthening the regional economy, contributing to the creation of new jobs and to the reduction of inequalities among the municipalities of Minas Gerais.

Special Advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Extended terms
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Who it is for

Exclusively for counties with an HDI below the Minas Gerais State average. **

Special advantages:
  • Even lower rates
  • Extended terms
  • Installments that fit your budget
  • Online contracting
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

3 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Geraminas Giro Mais

What it is:

Working capital for your company to face challenges or take advantage of opportunities through the conscious use of credit.

Special Advantages:
  • Online hiring
  • Suitable installments
  • Very competitive rates
Who it is for

Every company in Minas Gerais with a turnover between BRL 4.8 and BRL 30 million/year

Special advantages:
  • Online hiring
  • Suitable installments
  • Very competitive rates
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

60 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

BDMG geraminas

Minas Criativa

What it is:

A special product with simplified access for companies working in the Minas Gerais scenario to produce culture and growth in the fields of audiovisual production, music, theater, books, digital games, design, and the like.

Special Advantages:
  • Competitive rates
  • Up to 6 month grace period
  • Up to 48 months to pay
Who it is for

In order to find out whether your company is eligible to request a Minas Criativa financing, enter the primary CNAE code found in your CNPJ card in the box below and click “search”. – Enter your primary CNAE code.

Special advantages:
  • Competitive rates
  • Up to 6 month grace period
  • Up to 48 months to pay
Rates from


Run a Simulation
Up to

48 months

with fixed installments

Grace period of

6 months

to start paying!

If your business is in Minas Gerais and you are looking for credit lines for an expansion or solving a problem, ask BDMG.

Why does BDMG talk about offering conscious credit to very small and small businesses?

Because BDMG sees the positive potential of the loan, and treats its products as actual growth tools for businesses. Our conscious credit products are created from conditions that only a Development Bank can offer. Our history of supporting the development of Minas Gerais companies has taught us that the ability to plan and choose the right product enhances the value of funded capital and results in real benefits for companies.

That is why we our offer is based on:

BDMG Taxas competitivas

Competitive rates

BDMG has resources especially geared to ver small and small Minas Gerais businesses, in several credit lines. We adopt special rates for all of them, which are below the market average.

BDMG Condições especiais

Special conditions

BDMG exists to foster socioeconomic development, and is aware of the need to create special financing conditions for specific regions and segments.

BDMG Contrate on-line

Online contracting

Contracting BDMG credit is simple and can be done 100% online; just run a simulation and, after the credit is approved, send the signed contract to BDMG together with the requested documents.

Attention, in order not to lose money, it is very important to choose the right credit product for your company.

Choose the right financing line according to your goal.

For example, an entrepreneur who uses credit cards or personal checks is paying up to 8x more interest than he should.

Run a credit simulation with BDMG and improve the financing conditions for your business.

In fact, thousands of companies already fund their working capital with BDMG:

BDMG asd

"Without BDMG, we would not have been able to complete construction of our hotel. We are very grateful to the Bank for its support over more than 20 years.”

Gilson Borges

HZ Hotel

BDMG asd

"I looked to BDMG when I needed working capital and also when I made a major renovation. The Bank has always had special fees and interest rates.”

Pollyana Marques

Sollar Shopping

If your business is in Minas Gerais and you are looking for credit lines for an expansion or solving a problem, ask BDMG.

Here's how easy it is to get credit from BDMG:

Once your proposal is approved and the documentation is reviewed, the money will be credited within five business days.


Run a simulation and, after choosing the ideal conditions for your company, start the application for financing.


Fill in the details of your company and shareholders. In a few hours, you will receive an answer with an analysis of the proposal.


After the proposal is approved, just mail the signed contract and the documents requested to BDMG.


Upon receipt and analysis of the documentation, the money will be credited to your company's current account within five business days.


Run a simulation and, after choosing the ideal conditions for your company, start the application for financing.


Fill in the details of your company and shareholders. In a few hours, you will receive an answer with an analysis of the proposal.


After the proposal is approved, just mail the signed contract and the documents requested to BDMG.


Upon receipt and analysis of the documentation, the money will be credited to your company's current account within five business days.

Think calmly and ask yourself: Can my company take advantage of a loan at this time?

And how? If so, run a simulation and contract online.

Run a simulation

If you prefer, have one of our Bank Correspondents call on you in person; select your city below:

BDMG contato

Talk to BDMG

(31) 3219-8000

For those who are not yet clients and want to learn more about the bank, our products and also about the progress of a request for funding.

Phone number for clients

0800 283 8337

For you who already are our client and have contracted a credit line.


Rua da Bahia, 1600

Lourdes - Belo Horizonte / MG

CEP 30160-907

Download the fee and refund table:

Download the table
(Portuguese only)