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The Prêmio BDMG de Empreendedorismo Social will recognize projects that have achieved positive impacts for vulnerable groups
and communities in Minas Gerais.


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Social entrepreneurship projects aimed at empowering young people and women, fostering independence and dignity through local business initiatives, education, financial management training, and entrepreneurship support.

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Initiatives should address social issues or create opportunities for transformation for vulnerable individuals or communities.

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Projects targeting women and/or youth.



Headquartered and project implemented in Minas Gerais


Annual revenue up to R$ 500,000 in 2023


Statutory provision for carrying out the awarded social project


Non-profit legal entity with a social entrepreneurship project with proven results from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024, as per the Call.


Other requirements: see the guidelines


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Ten social entrepreneurship projects will be selected, one from each of the ten macro-regions of Minas Gerais. Winners will receive a cash prize and training to develop management skills.

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Prize of
R$ 14,000 (each)

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Training in social organization management



BDMG: Commitment to the Social, Economic, and Sustainable Development of Minas Gerais

BDMG is a development bank that strengthens small, medium, and large companies and finances various municipalities by providing access to credit, operating across all 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais. With a strong commitment to regional development, innovation, and sustainability, the Bank drives job creation and income generation, transforming the lives of families and cities, and contributing to improving the quality of life for people in Minas Gerais.

The Bank has a Social, Environmental, and Climate Responsibility Policy that guides its strategies, business, and activities. These guidelines help reduce social, environmental, and climate risks in Minas Gerais while promoting good governance practices. The institution supports projects that enable the socio-economic and sustainable development of the State and operates in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The Prêmio BDMG de Empreendedorismo Social is a result of the partnership between the Bank and the BDMG Employee Citizenship Institute (INDEC). Through an agreement to implement the Bank’s social responsibility policies and guidelines, initiatives with positive social impacts will be supported.

Founded in 1998 by BDMG employees, INDEC was created with the mission of bridging the gap between the needs of vulnerable populations and the willingness and ability of BDMG employees to promote citizenship.

Successful Partnerships and Results

Marcus Nascimento, founder of the Transformation Project, developed in the Aglomerado da Serra, in Belo Horizonte.
“The partnership with BDMG and INDEC was very important for the Transformation Project, which offers free classes in soccer, futsal, footvolley, beach tennis, and jiu-jitsu for children and young people aged 5 to 17. We used to rely on donations and raffles. With BDMG, we were able to plan and organize better for activities, classes, and sports equipment distribution. Before, we had 180 children and young people involved. Today, there are 700. Through sports and external competitions, we show these boys and girls that there is a world beyond the favela and the culture they live in here. We give them the opportunity to see different realities, and they begin to envision a different world and future.”
Elizângela Cascão, director of the Amado School Project.
“The support from INDEC and BDMG has been essential in maintaining our institution and expanding our reach to more families. We are a social project-school that assists 50 children aged 2 to 12 in after-school care. Our goal is to provide them with learning opportunities, experiences, development, and transformation. We offer breakfast and lunch, work on food education, and provide comprehensive pedagogical and behavioral guidance. We are an inclusive school with professionals specialized in developmental disorders. We are immensely grateful to INDEC and BDMG for all the support and investment in our children, many of whom have special needs. This partnership has made and continues to make all the difference.”
Harley Winter, creator, creative project manager, and cultural producer of Bem+Arte, developed in Belo Horizonte, and in the Mucuri and Jequitinhonha Valleys, as well as in northern Minas.
“The ones who believed in the project the most were BDMG and INDEC. This partnership allowed us to expand our work and bring the art of theater and circus to more people in vulnerable situations. Our goal is to democratize access to culture. In nine years, our workshops and performances have reached over 10,000 people in Belo Horizonte and in 10 cities across the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, as well as northern Minas. Our workshops for children and teenagers are continuous training, while our performances reach elderly people, homeless individuals, schools, and other institutions.”

Questions and Information

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For questions and additional information about the award selection process, please contact us exclusively by email: